My New Chair…

Last February I purchased a totally rad vintage chair from a thrift store that needed some TLC. Well, the TLC the chair was needing was out of my realm of TLC so I asked a great friend, Karin Cathey, for her help in restoring my cool new chair. Of course she was so sweet and helpful and decided to jump right in and help me out…The chair had great “bones” but the fabric was a wreck. So, I picked out a cool red fabric that was going to be freakin AWESOME!

Well…here we are…almost a year later and still no chair…I was in no rush for the chair but I was anxious to see what the finished product was going to look like. Well, my waiting came to an end this past Friday! Karin delivered the chair to our house and had it waiting inside my living room to surprise me! As soon as I walked into the house I freaked out and said, “THAT’S MY CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!” It is absolutely gorgeous and perfect! It was well worth the wait! Thank you so much Karin Cathey for all your hard work and time! You are the BESTEST!

Be sure to visit her blog to see the before and after photos of the chair! CLICK HERE